What Victory Is

I keep banging on about this theme. But you have to. What’s not front and centre these days quickly gets forgotten. A new ice cream flavour hits the streets and catches everyone’s attention.

Some film star has an abortion or a bowel movement and catches everyone’s attention.

So I do it again. Bring it up again. Ukraine. And ‘Victory’. Fashionable nowadays to lament the vanishing possibility of a ‘Ukrainian victory’ and a prediction that the USA and NATO will continue the fight until there is such a victory even if it means decades of war and even if it means nuclear weapons.

The kind of lunacy we have become accustomed to. Emanates from cloud cuckoo land: the USA.

I view Mr Daniel Davis – who is actually a retired Lt Col in the American forces – pretty regularly on his ‘Deep Dive’ Youtube channel because he is a sensible, honest and true thinking man.

And I today viewed one of his videos. This one: NATO SUMMIT: European Split on Ukraine Russia War Grows

And I was struck again by the sad loose language he uses as does everyone else. They cannot think straight while they use language like that. So I made a comment putting my point of view and here it is. I have a readership of maybe three or four people by choice and a handful more who run into the blog by accident of googling or something.

Not very much. But my hope is that maybe one of those few will pass it on and maybe it will take root and start spreading out from there somewhere. I hope. That’s my hope.

Here is the comment:

With all due respect Mr Davis is using wrong terminology and it confuses and hides the issue.

It is the MSM and NATO and USA terminology, of course. And it is WRONG. It completely hides the truth. The truth about what ‘Ukraine winning’ means.

The truth about what it is. What it would be.

Listen, it is simple. First you have to make up your mind: is a nation the people or is the land or is it the government?

It is not the government. Governments come and go, rise and fall, and they issue from the people.

And it is not the land. Find unoccupied land and we say there is no nation there.

It is the people. Right? Right. Well now: when does ‘Ukraine the people’ win?

Simple: when they stop dying and being maimed, crippled, tormented, tortured, deprived of everything.

See? It really is as simple as that.

When the war stops Ukraine (the people) wins WINS.

Just like that. Because the people win. Just like that. Because they stop dying.

THAT’s when ‘Ukraine wins’ and that’s the ONLY time ‘Ukraine wins’.


What “they” the lunatic manipulators, promotors of this war and all the deadhead unthinking commentator are talking about is NOT ‘when Ukraine wins’. It is when ‘The Kiev regime wins’. That’s what they really mean.

And, of course, the regime’s master: the USA regime.

Can you see? I know. It is hard to see straight. They have twisted and distorted for so long.

You probably can’t keep the thought out of your head that ‘Ukraine’ has lost if ‘it’ (that same ‘Ukraine’, currently ill defined in your mind) has ‘lost’ the Donbas States.

But just slow down. Think again. Who has lost what? Have the Ukrainian people ‘lost’ the Donbas lands?

No. No way. They are still occupied by the Ukrainian people who had them before ’22. A man who owned property there before owns it now, unless he got killed by USA prompted shelling.

A man with home and property, business, work, in Donbas still has it. He even still has his same government. He has the same local govt. and he has the same State Govt: the DPR, say, in Donetsk.

Just his govt – his, his own – has elected to Federate with the Russian Federation.

But it all still exists. Nothing has been robbed, stolen, removed, destroyed, vanished.

The Ukrainian people still have what they have before.

Who has ‘lost’ the Donbas States? Nobody. Nobody that ever owned them.

But the ruling junta of lunatic thieves they have lost the right to despoil, plunder and torment those States.

That is what has been ‘lost’. The ‘right’ of evil to exercise its will across a people and a land.

And ‘Ukraine’, the rightful ‘Ukraine’, the Ukraine that is the people, it PROFITS from that.

The world needs to see things clearly. And that ought to be clear enough.

It is very sad that Daniel Davis does not use the correct language and say ‘Kiev regime’ when that’s what he’s referring to.

It is very sad that he does not always take pains to promulgate this core message with every video: that the Ukrainian people (and hence ‘Ukraine’) WINS the minute the killing stops.

It is very sad.

It is so sad especially because NO ONE is doing it.

Macgregor does not do. All of Judge Napolitano’s large stable of excellent guests: they do not do it. MoA does not do it. Even John Helmer, probably the best of all commenters on this fiasco, even he does not do it.

Even the Russian govt and Putin, they do not do it (and I had high hopes for them), Nobody does it.

Hence nobody is speaking for Ukrainians. No one is supporting Ukrainians. No one is trying to get victory for them. They have no help, not from anywhere. Just posturings and mouthings everywhere the vilest, the filthiest of them all being, of course from the USA and its NATO lackeys.

Who are persisting in the methodical extermination of the Ukrainians while piously claiming to be ‘supporting’ them.

What total lunacy is this? I don’t know. It staggers me.

Not even the Ukrainian people say this is the way it is. That Victory for them is cessation of the killing. Even they do not say it. Or rather, it doesn’t get reported to us that they say it.

I am damn sure that 90% of all the old men and women, the mothers of the dead and crippled, etc. etc. know damn well that what they desire most of all is an end to the killing.

But it never gets reported.

The Ukrainians are magnificent people. As in fact, of course, just about all the people of the world are, the ‘ordinary’ people. But by god they don’t seem very clever. If they don’t see this simple truth and share it with each other, both sides of the line, and unite and throw the Americans out of Europe and claim their own victory.

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