Katchanovsky: Maidan and BRICS
my response to
Ukrainian Professor EXPOSES The West’s Lies About The Maidan Massacre Of 2014! (Part 1) Neutrality Studies
An interesting paper. Stays on subject for 90% but then wanders off beyond its remit and beyond pure science into realms of political conjecture and opinion.
We can take as proven that Maidan was a far right false flag and the govt of ‘Ukraine’ ( i.e. Kiev Ukraine ) was from then on illegitimate.
His opinions on justifications for Russia’s actions or not and so on are debatable and properly beyond the scope of his paper. Perhaps put there for political reasons in order to dodge any future suggestions he is supporting the Russian cause. We can sympathise with such a feeling, natural especially in the rabidly lunatic sphere of the Americas.
In that context it is interesting to note he chooses not to expand his scope to include opinions or conjectures on the American involvement in the Maidan – the extent to which they were fuelled, paid, by America.
Which is mainly what we’d be looking for in this video – at least 90% of us that would come here at all already well aware the Maidan was false flag.
Well don’t look for it. It is not in the paper. America might well not exist in the world as far as the paper is concerned.
The paper is good and welcome for what it is: virtually a forensic proof of the false flag of Maidan.
But it is not more than that; we can exclude the ‘ass covering’ political speculation.
I have not watched/listened to the whole video but I imagine it cannot say more than his paper has said.
Well I just read the transcript and he says much about the USA in fact. Expands mightily on his opinions. Still heavily insisting upon Russia’s illegality in invading Ukraine: making it very plain which side he is on.
To me the main thing he says is:
“…they regarded Ukraine as a tool against Russia to contain Russian influence and and Ukraine basically became client state of the United States in which even like top government officials prime minister of Ukraine uh prut general of Ukraine head of St Security Service of security service of UK and other top officials were nominated appointed or dismissed with involvement of United States
officials or Embassy officials or Biden himself….”
And omits the obvious conclusion that an American client State on the border of Russia was/is precisely what Russia doesn’t want, will not tolerate and therefore, right or wrong, was exactly what would start a war. And when you talk ‘start a war’ when does it start? When you prepare the field and conditions or when the first shot is fired? Childish over simplification to say when the first shot is fired, of course.
second in importance I find to be:
‘…this is obviously war between Russia and Ukraine but in addition to this there is also war between proxy war between Russia and the West in Ukraine when Ukraine is used as a proxy and in addition to this there is still element of Civil War in in Ukraine still ongoing Civil War which started in 2014 in donbas…. ‘
The West at war with Russia and a civil war predicated on ethnic grounds I think are de facto the ‘start’ of a war.
And of course there’s more to all that which he omits. The war started in 1945 or before. It began in the UK with their ruling money hating the ruling money in Russia and coveting the lands, the riches, the power.
But I would like to say that I think we all take a far too parochial view of this thing: the war in Ukraine. We, the ordinary people, who suffer from these things and desperately need to get a grasp on what’s going on and begin to influence events in our own interest. Why should 500,000 of us die in warfare in Ukraine? Why should 30,000 Palestinians die in Gaza? Why should Iraq and Syria and Libya be pummeled to dust and impoverished?
One common strand. It is because America is at war with the world.
Ukraine is not at war with Russia. That’s a joke. That’s a logical fallacy, a play on words in the first place. Childishly remiss reportage at the very least. A notional half of Ukraine fights with the Russians, side by side. It is a civil war. ‘Ukraine’ is both sides, not one side.
Yes. But the phrase has currency and legitimacy in one translation, one usage and that is when a nation name, when a ‘nation’ itself, is thought to be the govt. Pure and simple. Nothing but the government. This is viewing a nation the way we view corporate entities. ‘Entities’ in law. Said to have all the rights, privileges, responsibilities of real living human beings so that they can borrow money, enter into contracts, own things, etc., etc..
So ‘Coca Cola’ is an ‘entity’. A ‘living thing’ to all intents and purposes in the realm of law and commerce. But, of course, nothing real at all in the realm of humanity.
That’s how ‘Russia at war with Ukraine’ is supposed to be parsed. The nation names apply only to governments and not people. That clears that up. We must be conscious of that. We must remember that. All the learned discussion, political analysis, prophesying and elucidating is all predicated on nations as in fact corporate entities. NOT collections of people. People are considered largely irrelevant.
So that’s how they say the ‘Ukraine’ is at war with Russia. By disregarding the 10 million Ukrainians that Russia has sided with.
Well that is wrong, too. For stand back and look at it and who are the players and who is winning and who is losing and which players have which objectives and then decide who aggressor and winner is, what the real dynamic is.
And it is not hard to see that America is at war with Ukraine. ‘Ukraine’ this time meaning the land and people. NOT the ‘corporate entity’ the govt. For that’s a puppet of the USA. But America is/has taken over every part of the Ukraine that it can. It owns the place. It crushes, kills and crushes wherever and whatever. And it WINS. It is profiting to this day. The dollar is still strong, employment rises in the USA, the population remains in thrall.
But more: America is at war with Europe, too. They had a mantra: ‘Keep America in Germany down and Russia Out’ This is no secret. It is america/europe politics 101.
And that is proceeding well. All nations whipped into line. Germany hollowed out, white anted at the core, things are looking good. They just ripped the balls off their biggest potential threat.
So there’s the real war. the USA against the world. The USA tells the G7 what to do. The G7 thus IS the USA. Outside the G7 is the rest of the world. It is from this situation that America gets its astonishing arrogance whereby now it makes noises about fighting China, Arabia and Russia all at once whilst internally the country degenerates into a third world.
The real war is this ‘rogue state’, the USA, hidden behind the trappings of the G7 and NATO etc. facing BRICS.
Against that background truth Russia not only did not have a choice about stepping into Ukraine to try to protect itself and its Ukrainian Russians but was then and is now the whole world’s only fightback against this lunatic American obsession with guns, power, hegemony, dictatorship (no one ever seems to mention that de facto the USA is a dictatorship both within and without) and total subjugation and suppression of any and all progress anywhere in the world ! Even within its own borders !
My world is in technicolor today. I just happened to notice.
Cinemascope, too, I think.
I’d show you a picture but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.
Yes I have. Too easy. So then I thought to take picture to show how technicolor and cinemascope it all is but then I found wherever I pointed the smartpone there’d be neighbour’s houses or telegraph poles or wires or something else I didn’t want in the pic.
So no pic. From today. But it turns out I have a gallery or something on this computer with one lonely picture in it. Here it is. Just for the sake of putting a pic in my blog. The first one ever. 🙂

Is the USA winning in Ukraine?
We all know the USA is at war with Ukraine. Has been for years. And there are those who claim it is winning and those who claim it is losing. Look at both sides:
This seems an easy claim to support.
. The Kiev government is totally dependent upon the USA today to where it cannot even pay the salaries of its people, pay public pensions, etc. without money from the USA.
. The Kiev government is deeply indebted for billions of dollars to the USA and cannot possibly hope to remove the debt for generations.
. The infrastructure has been destroyed in many places and, of course, US businesses have pre-empted contracts for restoration, repair, replacement.
. Whole industries have collapsed and again, the US businesses already hold the contracts to put their own businesses in their place.
. At home the USA MIC has profited by billions of dollars.
. The USA effectively has the whole of NATO doing whatever it wants whenever it wants without demur.
. Germany has been reduced to vassal statehood and its core strength removed: cheap fuel.
. Well over 500,000 men have been killed at the cost of not one (official) american serviceman.
. The dollar remains strong against the Euro.
In short the American govt has power over the whole of Europe, has diminished current power and future prospects for potential rivals such as Germany, virtually owns Kiev Ukraine now and for the future, has a profitable business going like never before: the MIC.
They have destroyed, bought at bargain prices or simply taken the whole of Ukraine that they can, that is available and they have Ukrainians dying by the hundreds of thousands trying to get the other part for them.
And it hasn’t cost them a single soldier.
And to the world: supreme victory – they are not even at war with Ukraine !
To the world it is Russia that is at war. Not America. America is simply ‘helping’.
It is a slam dunk. How could America ever be seen as not winning?
Got a country to wreck itself by dividing and one half attacking the other and then helped it smash itself to bits on the ground the meanwhile enmeshing it in debt and obligation and dependency.
To where it is now fully indebted, fully obligated, wholly dependent. You would say: ‘conquered’.
And got the whole West onside to help at a cost to them of simply paying homage, doing obeisance to the USA.
But there are those that argue the other way:
. The American goal is the freedom to come and go as they please in Ukraine and, in particular, build American bases, put American missiles wherever, whenever. They grow further away from this goal.
. American ownership of lands and businesses, whole industries in (Kiev) Ukraine means nothing if those industries, businesses do not exist, do not function and if those lands cannot be profitably managed.
. American ownership of the total indebtedness of Kiev means nothing but loss if Kiev cannot honour the debt – and it cannot and future prospects grow worse by the day.
. The question is about ‘Ukraine’ and America plays word game with this word. In fact it properly applies to the whole of Ukraine as prior 2014 and the Kiev attack on Donbas: the outright military division of the country. That is the ‘Ukraine’ that the USA seeks to own and control. They have gotten no closer to that since 2014 than they were then. Quite the reverse.
. That part of Ukraine – the Donbas part – is now immeasurably stronger due to the American interference. For it now considers itself not only truly obviously an independent country but now also a properly federated part of the Russian Federation and has gained, heart, strength, determination, resources and ability from it.
. Hence America can be seen to have hardened the part of Ukraine it most wanted and hence made it all the more impossible to take it. Put it further away.
. The American dollar remains strong against the Euro, yes. But it sinks against the other currencies of the world.
.This was because America ‘weaponised’ the dollar. Attempting to decide who would use its money and who wouldn’t. And helping itself to other people’s money whenever it felt like it. This destroyed: utterly destroyed – the faith anyone in the rest of the world had in the safety of the American dollar as somewhere to put your money. This was/is a massive blow to American interest.
. Where before there were no alternative trade blocs, alliances, routes, financial systems the American sanctions forced the creation of all of them and they have all been created and successfully. i.e. where America had monopoly, hegemony it now has opposition, alternative, peers and better than peers.
. The opposing forces in Ukraine – primarily the Russian forces – have been vastly improved over the course of the operation. From necessity. Beginning with a largely antiquated and inefficient and corrupt force the Russian Federation has seen, learned of its shortcomings and moved to correct them. It now has a force drastically improved in all aspects to where it is probably the premier military force in the world today.
. Realisation in Russia. Where Russia was very largely ‘western oriented’ particularly with the young and followed eagerly all trends, fashions, current memes and was perhaps somewhat divided within itself sometimes because of it the whole of Russia because of the sanctions alone if nothing else, for they were so ubiquitous and universal knowledge of them got to everyone, now knows and thoroughly believes that the whole of West and particularly the USA hates them, despises them, wants nothing to with them except to plunder and despoil them. This has created a fundamental rise in national pride and solidarity within Russia making it the more coherent and able.
.The contrary to the above is true in the west generally and the USA in particular.
. Realisation around the world. Presenting the population of the world with this spectacle, this issue at this time with the current tools we have available: the internet, smartphone, social media etc. has caused millions upon millions around the world, in the West and outside the West to learn and think about the whole thing. And universal lessons have been learned that are so taken for granted they’re hardly mentioned any more:
. American media is totally corrupt propaganda.
. Main stream media generally is deeply flawed at best.
. We have amongst ourselves our own sites and sources for independent factual information.
. We can use the web for finding truth and checking facts.
. We cannot trust ANY politicians at all.
. We have no established ‘intellectual leaders’ to speak of, only pretenders.
. The history of the West and the USA is there for the finding and it is not good.
And this has created a new kind of ‘ordinary human’ and created them by the millions. A human with an interest in using this new tool in order to discover truths about matters great and small. A human with a conviction that they can and should find these truths. A human with a conviction that they have as much right as any man to access to these truths.
A human who has seen in following these paths that just about ALL our ‘betters’ or occupiers of high places with great powers are but charlatans or worse.
And THAT human is a threat to this ‘America’ that we speak of. For that America exists on the basis of lies and obscuring, hiding the truth, on hereditary positions of influence and power on the traditional humility and acquiescence of the masses.
America: meaning that cabal of greedy lunatics – has shot itself in the foot. And to this day is reloading and preparing to shoot again and again and again… for it is insane.
Couple of interesting links more less associated with the above:
Jacobin: https://jacobin.com/2022/10/pentagon-budget-military-contractors-lobbyists-biden
Responsible statecraft: https://responsiblestatecraft.org/gaza-hostage-deaths/