What Should Happen Now?

Election time.  They just buried our Democracy and ripped us off for $600 BILLION in Australia and now they want us to re-elect them.

AND they’re sending emails asking for donations.

What should happen now?  Well here’s a suggestion from the excellent book

‘The Great Covid Panic’ by Paul Frijters, Gigi Foster, and Michael Baker



Ideally, there should now be justice and renewal. Politicians and medical advisors should be held to account, offending scientific journals (like The Lancet) should be abolished, and the halls of science should see soul-searching and a recognition that the core scientific mission was betrayed en masse. Parents should apologise to their children for disrupting their education and their childhood. Truth commissions should nurture open discussion of the stupidity of the last 18 months so that populations can come to terms with what they have been subjected to and often participated in.

To achieve renewal, the structures of institutionalised medical advice should be broken down and so too the whole zero-risk industry. The Big Tech companies and other ‘Big’ contributors to the madness should be broken up into smaller companies and taxed at reasonable rates. Citizen juries should make nearly all the top appointments that are currently decided by politicians. The royal courts of state, national and international governments should be cleansed of the bullshitters that now dominate, retaining only skeleton crews and skeleton regulation. In sum, the window of opportunity should be seized upon to clean up all the elements of our institutions that have proven corrupt, incompetent, or weak.


I suggest you get the book and read it.  It’s less than 5 bucks American for the ebook on Amazon.  Why not?

I would. I did.  And I’m glad.



Where Are The Warmongers?

Russian military expenditure per person/per  year:

About  $330.

Australia: About $1000

America:     About $2000.  Per person.  Per Year.

Total military spending per year:

Russia:  65  Billion dollars.  With 150 million people.

Australia: 35 Billion dollars.   With 25 million people.

USA:  800 Billion dollars.  With 350 million people.

Yep:  65Billion, 35Billion, 800Billion.    Those are the proportions.

Sending (a total by now) $60 Billion to Ukraine is small beer for the USA, traditionally.  Its wars generally cost more than that:

Gulf War:    116 Billion

Korean War:  389 Billion

Vietnam:   843 Billion

Afghanistan 910 Billion

Iraq 1 Trillion

It’s not called a ‘military industrial complex’ for nothing.

The biggest threat to peace in the USA is world peace. Would kill their biggest industry.  Which is why they have to continually foment wars.

Even now.  When they’re broke and everything is falling apart.

A habit.  It’s a habit with them.  They know nothing else.


Vaccines ARE the problem

Well more and more that’s what it looks like.

Look at this.  Unfortunately to read the whole thing you have to sign up for a ‘7 day free trial’ which you probably wouldn’t want to do.   But the first bit is quite enough.  It tells the story, shows the stats for half of it.

The other half (covid rates) we have to find for ourselves.  That should be easy enough.

Well it is.  I just found the Vermont govt covid site and they’re reporting 126,000 +  ‘new cases’.  I’ve taken a screenshot to keep lest it goes away.

Here’s where that is:



and here’s where the original article I’m talking about is:


How The Vaccine Killed The Thais

This is pretty self evident.  They were doing fine, then USA big pharma got at them and they decided to vaccinate.

Cases and deaths soared exactly in step with the vaccinations.  Not true?  Point it out to me.  I can’t see it. Sure looks true to me.
