Hmmm – One Year Later…

One year since my last post.

That’s how fast time flies by, how much I keep myself busy doing – what?  Damned if I know.

None of the  things I’m always swearing I want to do, must do, will do, etc…

Just had a fine time getting in here. It wouldn’t accept my log in.

Then I wanted to go to WordPress and ask them why and I couldn’t get in there, either….

Then I wanted to go to my host and look at the files and I couldn’t get  in there, either….

You get days like that.

I do.

I’ve been thinking about children’s education again.  I mean young children – primary school.

I discovered this week that some children just walk out of the class whenever they feel  like it.

That some children never do any work in the class at all.

There seems to be a lot of freedom given children these days.  I don’t remember things being like that.

My memory is that we worked all the time and would never have dreamt of walking out of a class.

But maybe my memory is at fault.

The spell checker didn’t like ‘dreamt’.  I think I’m right and it’s wrong.

I talk to the teachers and I notice that I usually can’t get a word in edgeways.

I have to really try.  There’s no way they’re clever psychologists drawing you out and discovering your deepest thoughts.

No.  They are just delivering themselves of theirs.

This may be all to the good.

Perhaps we have – I have – nothing to contribute of any value.

Could well be.

But that’s not quite the whole point, is it?



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