You Beauty: We are all one !

Just got the news on Stock and Land that the referendum was a victory for a united Australia.

I tried to post this in the comments but it wouldn't work.  So I happily post it here.  Which, of course, gets seen by no one but spammers (thousands of them or, rather, their bots) but it's now writ in my records, for me, isn't it?


You beauty. So we are all one. By choice. Way it should be. And we profit: for we feel more one, those of us that always felt we are one and ironically we discover those amongst us who do feel we are one and who do not want us to be one.
So that's a bit of a joke, isn't it, we are more one and now more clearly divided, so to speak.
We see there are us here and over there that insane mob in Canberra who devise any and all kind of stupid divisive and nonsensical things.
We see there are us here living in reality and those there saying we need a voice while at the same time refusing to listen to any voice but their own.
And this is perhaps a tiny step towards the real Australia finally getting up from the dust, standing up, knowing itself, recognising itself and making itself known.
Where it should have been, what it should have been doing when the covid insanity was promulgated, forced on us.
Where it should have been, what it should have been doing when our medical services were abrogated, perverted and doctors forbidden to practice in good conscience.
And so on…. the list is long, long, long…
Perhaps this is the first indicator of a resurgence of the true national Aussie identity…
God knows, I hope it is…

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