Ivor Cummings Reflects on the Covid Evil Past


Ivor Cumming published a long series of videos about Covid and the Vax back in the last few years.   Trying to argue for reason, sense, humanity.  And of course was largely, very largely, ignored.

He is revisiting that story because it remains pertinent.  He shows how the discussion as to whether it was even possible, never mind likely, that covid was made in a lab was in fact settled a long, long time ago but the truth got submerged in the uproar and of course the heavy handed censorship of the govt.

I viewed his vid and commented on it and here's my comment:

all of this was known and said a long time ago. i think even robert malone said it. Why 'even' him? well because his big thing is about him devising mrna tech really. but of course in the midst of the debate where he argued strongly against the vax he was involved in many discussions and I think he even got into this. probably a link or two on covidhonesty.com

Woops.. my mistake, he's saying himself it's a trip down memory lane…. yep, well I agree.

And of course the fact that it has all been known for so long just deepens the depth of the criminality of all those who're supposed to be protecting us and bringing us the truth all this time, doesn't it?

From head of state on down to your local doctor, even clinic nurse: ALL complicit is hiding the truth, denying the truth, enforcing illogical, unwanted, useless and evil. ALL.

That's why nothing will ever be done I'd guess. No retrospective justice which okay perhaps we can do without for much of it would simply be 'revenge' which I don't go far.

But more insidious there'll be no correcting of the public record, no public recognition of the truth, any of it. Because just too many were and are complicit.

Yes 'are'. As recently as a few weeks ago in my part of Australia you couldn't even take your children to the govt dental clinic without wearing a mask! True!

That'd surely be a glaring madness? Yet there it was and there it is ready to be pulled out and imposed again at the drop of a hat.

That's the rottenness that today exists everywhere and all the time.

There is this precedent ready to be pulled out at any time.

And without, as I say, the public record being ostentatiously amended it will be pulled out and injustice illogic and madness will reign again.

Public apathy, ignorance in the very beginning.

Public apathy all throughout.

And now public apathy allowing this 'subliminal' presence.

God almighty. We, the public have to wake up. The world is getting too sophisticated to continue to allow these egotistical morons that habitually enjoy positions of authority and enjoy abusing them and imposing on mankind to remain in those positions in that way with those powers.

Humanity has to be restored.

Too many want to be not a human but a mere robotic functionary.

Too many doing bad things because they are not themselves, the human, no, they the functionary, just 'doing my job' (so don't blame me).

That's cowardly and it is inhuman and it destructive and it has destroyed and is destroying and waits to destroy more.

and here is the vid:

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